Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, a day when it is a good time to remember the fact that I was baptized and, as a result, have become part of Jesus' family.  My actual baptism day is one I cannot forget, for it was an infamous day, the day Pearl Harbor was bombed.  Yet, for me and my family, that day was a real blessing.

The photo at the top was taken at one of our General Chapters when water was brought from Béziers (RSHM Motherhouse) to the meeting in Rome and shared with sisters from all our provinces and regions.  In the same way, we are invited this day and all days to share the gift of our baptism with all whom we encounter.  And, as a member of a religious community, I know that I am often blessed by the gift of grace shared each day.  I pray that I may be faithful to the gift of my own baptism on good and difficult days.


  1. Looking forward to your next fantastic flitters. A

  2. Looking forward to more fantastic flitters. A
